Mark 10:13-16 (copy)

Jul 21, 2019    Pastor Mark Mills    Reference Verses: Psalm 90; John 1:18; Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Isaiah 44:3-5; Matthew 18:10; Ezekiel 16:8; Deuteronomy 33:27; John 1:12

Ryle: It is the bounden duty of every Christian congregation to make provision for the spiritual training of its children. The boys and girls of every family should be taught as soon as they can learn -- should be brought to public worship as soon as they can behave with propriety -- should be regarded with affectionate interest as the future congregation, which will fill our place when we are dead. A congregation which consists of none but grown up people, whose children are idling at home or running wild in the streets, is a most deplorable and unsatisfactory sight.