1 Samuel 8
David Payne: No nation has ever found some magical constitutional formula to solve every social and political problem; but a people that seeks above all to honor and obey God possesses an inner stability and serenity which allow it to confront universal and permanent problems with both courage and compassion, and with a considerable measure of success . (MacArthur)
Hertzberg: Here one of the basic features of world history emerges: the struggle of man against God - already beginning in Genesis 3 - a struggle which, according to the general outline presented in the Bible, has its roots in the special position given to man in Genesis 1. Samuel experiences what Moses, the prophets, and even Jesus experienced: 'We don't want this man to reign over us.'
Keller: Jesus is the only Lord who, if you receive Him, will fulfill you completely and, if you fail Him, will forgive you eternally.